About Jenny
Jenny grew up on a small farm in Northern Ontario, loving horses and riding. She competed at local shows and fairs, and was introduced to Eventing through Pony Club.
She moved to Central Ontario in her mid twenties, to pursue more opportunities to train and compete. After a stint as a working student, Jenny moved to Niagara where she operated a lesson, boarding and show barn (and learned to gallop at Fort Erie Racetrack).
Jenny now operates her business on her husband Jeff's family farm in Mulmur. Since meeting Jeff (AKA Not Just the Hay Guy), he has taken a very serious interest in horses and riding, and has been competing in the Jumpers himself.
On top of riding and competing herself, Jenny loves coaching. She has an awesome crew of junior and adult riders committed to improving as riders and horsepeople. Jenny also enjoys developing horses to suit their owner's dreams, and absolutely loves matching horses and humans through sales.
Jenny has produced horses to the Preliminary level in Eventing, 1.20 Jumpers and has ridden to Fourth Level Dressage. She has also started to dabble in the Hunters.
Prior to horsing around full time, Jenny was a newspaper reporter in her hometown of Sudbury, Ontario. She co-authored a book called Spooky Sudbury, and once beat Randy from Trailer Park Boys in a (vegetarian) cheeseburger eating contest.